Interface SiteModelEntityInterface

Site model entities are geometric boundaries that represent any kind of spatial sectioning.

These entities may represent a building, a floor, or even an open space. These entities can also be linked hierarchically via parent/children associations.

interface SiteModelEntityInterface {
    area: number;
    attributes: Dictionary<string>;
    center: Vector3;
    children: SiteModelEntityInterface[];
    height: number;
    name: string;
    parent: SiteModelEntityInterface;
    polygon: GeoJsonGeometry;
    type: SiteModelType;
    volume: number;
    zMax: number;
    zMin: number;


area: number

Calculates the floor 2-dimensional size of the site model entity polygon [m²].

attributes: Dictionary<string>

Key-value pairs for storing additional user data associated to the site model entity.

center: Vector3

The calculated center point of the site model entity polygon.

Children site model entities. A collection of sub-entities whose parent is the current entity.

height: number

The height between the lower and upper planes of the polygon on the Z-axis [m].

name: string

The display name for the site model entity.

Parent site model entity.

The geometric polygon structure.

Type for the site model entity. This can be used to structure site model entities.

volume: number

Calculates the 3-dimensional size of the site model entity polygon [m³].

zMax: number

The highest numeric value of the Z-coordinates of the entire site model entity. This value is relative to the local coordinate origin.

zMin: number

The lowest numeric value of the Z-coordinates of the entire site model entity. This value is relative to the local coordinate origin.
