Interface RestFilterInterface

The common fields every filter request contain.


  • RestFilterInterface


datasetIds: number[]

Select for items associated to given dataset IDs.

limit: number

Limit the amount of items to retrieve.

offset: number

Skip the specified number of items.

radius: number

Distance from given y, x, and z to select items [m].

siteModelEntityIds: (number | "")[]

Select for items associated to given IDs. Pass a single-item array containing undefined to retrieve items with no Site Model Entity.

Sort by given field.

sortOrder: SortOrder

Direction of sort priority.

step: number

Regularly subsample the list of items returned.

x: number

Select for items at or near X coordinate.

xMax: number

Bounding box upper X.

xMin: number

Bounding box lower X.

y: number

Select for items at or near Y coordinate.

yMax: number

Bounding box upper Y.

yMin: number

Bounding box lower Y.

z: number

Select for items at or near Z coordinate.

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