currentInformation about the currently logged in user. Will be a "guest" user if not logged in.
onSignal that is emitted after a user logged in or out. After logging out, the user will be a "guest" user.
Logs in a user with the provided credentials.
Note that this will only work with local NavVis IVION accounts, not with OAuth or pre-authentication.
Name of the user.
Password of the user.
awaitDataLoad: booleanOptional flag that determines whether the returned promise should wait for the full initialization of NavVis IVION. Needs to be set true if the login promise is chained with some API functions. Defaults to false.
A promise that is resolved after successful login and rejected if e.g. the provided credentials are invalid.
Logs in a user with the provided JWT, either for local NavVis IVION accounts or e.g. for OAuth Resource Server if the instance is set up to use one.
Note that it also removes logout functionality from the UI and that NavVis IVION will not automatically refresh the token when it is about to expire. Use updateToken to apply an updated token before the previous one expires.
Valid JWT.
awaitDataLoad: booleanOptional flag that determines whether the returned promise should wait for the full initialization of NavVis IVION. Needs to be set true if the login promise is chained with some API functions. Defaults to false.
A promise that is resolved after successful login and rejected if e.g. the provided token is invalid.
Logs in a user with the provided JWTs, either for local NavVis IVION accounts or e.g. for OAuth Resource Server if the instance is set up to use one.
Note that it also removes logout functionality from the UI and that NavVis IVION will not automatically refresh the token when it is about to expire. Use updateToken to apply an updated token before the previous one expires.
Valid JWT.
Valid JWT for uploads.
awaitDataLoad: booleanOptional flag that determines whether the returned promise should wait for the full initialization of NavVis IVION. Needs to be set true if the login promise is chained with some API functions. Defaults to false.
A promise that is resolved after successful login and rejected if e.g. the provided token is invalid.
The Authentication API provides methods to log in or out, information about the current user, and a signal for when the logged-in user changes.