crsWGS 84 coordinate reference system (EPSG:4326)
crsLocal working coordinate reference system (NAVVIS:LOCAL)
globalTransform from WGS 84 to the local working coordinate system
localPromise that resolves when the local reference system has been set
localTransform from local working coordinate system to WGS 84
onSignal that is emitted after the local reference system has been changed
onSignal that is emitted before the local reference system is changed
referenceList of registered reference systems
Download the Proj.4 definition for the provided EPSG coordinate reference system and add it to Proj4js' definitions.
Name of the system, e.g. "EPSG:31468".
Promise that resolves when the download has completed.
Get a coordinate reference system by name (e.g. "EPSG:4326" or "NAVVIS:LOCAL").
Throws a .ReferenceSystemNotFoundException if the reference system cannot be found.
Reference system name (AUTHORITY:ID)
Construct and return a transform from the source to the target reference system.
Throws a .TransformNotFoundException if no transform between the systems exist.
Source CRS
Target CRS
Transform from source to target
Provide access to coordinate reference systems and to transforms between them.
For convenience, this service provides a transform from WGS 84 to local Cartesian coordinates, as well as the inverse transform. The local coordinate system will be relocated occasionally. Subscribe to the related signals to get notified when that occurs and recompute all local coordinates.