Interface MeshApiInterface

The Mesh API encapsulates object that concerns mesh loading.

interface MeshApiInterface {
    loadScene(path: string, onLoad: (groups: Group[]) => void): void;
    setRequestHeader(requestHeader: { [header: string]: string }): void;
    setUrlModifier(callback?: (url: string) => string): void;


  • Given URL path the method will recursively load the .gltf file content.


    • path: string

      URL with .gltf root file.

    • onLoad: (groups: Group[]) => void

      Called when the mesh is loaded with groups argument.

    Returns void

  • This method sets request headers for instance the authorization token etc.


    • requestHeader: { [header: string]: string }

      dictionary with headers to set.

    Returns void

  • If provided, the callback will be passed to each resource URL before a request is sent. The callback may return the original URL, or a new URL to override loading behavior. This behavior can be used to load assets from .ZIP files, drag-and-drop APIs, and Data URIs.


    • Optionalcallback: (url: string) => string

      URL modifier callback. Called with url argument, and must return resolved URL.

    Returns void