Interface PoiInterface

A POI represents any type of informational or functional object in a space.

The interface provides attributes for storing data that are associated to a real-world object. The titles attribute is intended to store a brief summary of the POI, which is displayed in the 2D and 3D scenes as icons. For larger bodies of information, the descriptions attribute can store large HTML-based content. Additional data or metadata can be stored in the customData attribute; this attribute can be used for processing within customized logic.

poiType is a PoiTypeInterface that the POI is categorized under.

The icon and importance attributes are used to control the visual representation and rendering of the POI.

interface PoiInterface {
    attributes: Dictionary<string>;
    customData: string;
    datasetLocation: Vector3;
    datasetOrientation: Quaternion;
    description: string;
    descriptions: Dictionary<string>;
    icon: string;
    id: number;
    importance: number;
    location: Vector3;
    orientation: Quaternion;
    poiType: PoiTypeInterface;
    pov: PointOfViewInterface;
    title: string;
    titles: Dictionary<string>;
    updatedDate?: Date;
        source: PoiInterface,
        excludeTransients?: boolean,
        excludeId?: boolean,
    ): PoiInterface;
        location: Vector3,
        orientation: Quaternion,
        fov?: number,
        imageId?: number,
    ): void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


attributes: Dictionary<string>

Supplementary custom key-value pairs associated to the POI.

customData: string

Supplementary custom data associated to the POI.

datasetLocation: Vector3

Location in the dataset's coordinate system

datasetOrientation: Quaternion

Orientation in the dataset's coordinate system

description: string

Large content text of the the POI in the currently set language.

descriptions: Dictionary<string>

Large content text. It is an associative array of HTML text, whose keys are ISO 15897 locale tags.

icon: string

Get the POI's icon URL. Default icon is supplied if none defined.

id: number

Entity id number

importance: number

Non-unique numeric importance value. Used to control POI icon visual cluttering in map view.

location: Vector3

Location in the local coordinate system (i.e. the site coordinate system).

orientation: Quaternion

Orientation in the local coordinate system (i.e. the site coordinate system).

POI type object.

Object describing preferred view on the POI. It is not possible to directly set the POV object on POIs, this must be done using the setPointOfView method.

title: string

Short summary text of the POI in the currently set language.

titles: Dictionary<string>

Short summary text. It is an associative array of HTML text, whose keys are ISO 15897 locale tags.

updatedDate?: Date

A timestamp of last activity (creation or update of the POI) in UNIX time. Not set for POIs updated before the introduction of this property.


  • Creates a copy of the POI entity.


    • source: PoiInterface

      POI entity

    • OptionalexcludeTransients: boolean

      whether temporary fields should be excluded from the copy

    • OptionalexcludeId: boolean

      whether the ID field should be excluded from the copy, thus saving it won't overwrite the source entity.

    Returns PoiInterface

  • Set the pov point of view defined by the provided parameters as the default one that will be used when moving to this POI.


    • location: Vector3

      Mandatory parameter. Defines the position where the camera will be moved to when point cloud mode is active, or when panorama mode is active and no imageId is given

    • orientation: Quaternion

      Mandatory parameter. Defines the viewing direction that will be used once moved to the position of this POI.

    • Optionalfov: number

      Optional parameter. If provided, this will be the value used for the fov once moved to the POI. If not provided, the current fov will be maintained.

    • OptionalimageId: number

      Optional parameter. If provided, this will define the position where the camera moves when moving to the POI while panorama mode is active.

    Returns void