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Interface IvionInterface


  • IvionInterface




  • getLanguage(): string
  • Get language (example: returns en for English).

    Returns string

    Language key. See setLanguage for the list of supported languages.




  • Menu items organized in a tree structure with an array on the root level.

    Supported actions that can be performed on the retrieved items structure:

    • Adding new items in any place of the tree
    • Updating existing items
    • Deleting existing items

    Returns SidebarMenuItemInterface[]

    Menu items




  • getShareUrl(): string
  • Get share URL containing information about current image, longitude and latitude.

    Returns string

    Share URL.


  • isLicensed(): boolean
  • Checks whether the instance key includes the module for the frontend API.

    Returns boolean

    Whether frontend API is included in the license


  • isMoving(): boolean
  • Return whether the view is currently being moved to another location, e.g., because moveToImage() had been called earlier.

    Returns boolean

    Movement active.


  • Moves user to a specified dataset. If image file ID is given, move is done to that image in dataset.


    • datasetId: number

      Dataset's ID.

    • Optional imageFileId: number

      ID of image file. If not given or not found, first image from dataset is used.

    • Optional viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • moveToGeoLocation(loc: Vector3, isLocal: boolean, viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface, fixedLat: number, fov: number, normal: Vector3, forceLoc: boolean, sameFloor?: boolean): Promise<void>
  • Move to specified geographic location by locating the closest image floor location and moving the view there. Images without geo-registration (i.e. where location is null) are ignored. If no image is found nearby but the location is still contained in a dataset, the view will be moved to the exact location and the point cloud will be activated.


    If viewDir is undefined, the viewing direction is determined automatically.


    • loc: Vector3

      Geographic location in WGS-84 or local

    • isLocal: boolean

      If false, coordinate is transformed from WGS-84 to local

    • viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      View orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, camera is oriented to view the location.

    • fixedLat: number

      If is not undefined then this value will override the viewing direction's latitude value.

    • fov: number

      Field of view as number. If undefined, the FOV is left unchanged.

    • normal: Vector3

      Normal vector of the destination. Used to determine if destination is floor/wall/ceiling.

    • forceLoc: boolean

      Flag to force movement to specified location even if an image is found nearby.

    • Optional sameFloor: boolean

      If true, only images of the current floor are considered as destination.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Moves user to an image's location.


    If viewDistance is not specified, a server-side raycast query for the center of the screen is performed in order to find the scene depth (assuming the user is focusing on the screen center).


    • image: ImageInterface

      Image object.

    • Optional viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      Orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, current view direction is left unchanged.

    • Optional viewDistance: number

      Radius parameter. Image meshes are scaled to this radius before animation starts.

    • Optional fov: number

      Field of view as float. If undefined, the FOV is left unchanged.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Moves user to an image's location, uses numerical ID of the image object.


    • imageId: number

      Image's ID. If not provided or undefined, defaults to first image.

    • viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      Orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, current view direction is left unchanged.

    • fov: number

      Field of view as float. If undefined, the FOV is left unchanged.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Moves user to a location closest to the POI and sets the viewing direction such that the user is looking at the POI.


    • poi: PoiInterface

      The POI object.

    • hideDetails: boolean

      By default NavVis IVION auto opens POI details panel, If true then that action is prevented.

    • viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      View orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, the default direction is used.

    • fov: number

      Field of view as float. If undefined, the FOV is left unchanged.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Similar to moveToPoi, uses numerical ID of POI.


    • poiId: number

      The POI's ID.

    • hideDetails: boolean

      By default NavVis IVION auto opens POI details panel, If true then that action is prevented.

    • viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      View orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, the default direction is used.

    • fov: number

      Field of view as float. If undefined, the FOV is left unchanged.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Moves user to the center of a specified site model entity.


    • entity: SiteModelEntityInterface

      Entity to move to.

    • showDetails: boolean

      Whether to open the details panel or not.

    • Optional viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      View orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, the direction is not changed.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • Moves user to the center of a specified site model entity.


    • entityId: number

      ID of the entity to move to.

    • showDetails: boolean

      Whether to open the details panel or not.

    • Optional viewDir: ViewOrientationInterface

      View orientation as {lon, lat} structure in radians. If undefined, the direction is not changed.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • moveToStartingLoc(): Promise<void>
  • Move to configured starting location.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the moving transition is completely finished.


  • reinit(): Promise<void>
  • Reinitialize NavVis IVION instance and re-fetch all data from database.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that is resolved when the NavVis IVION instance has reinitialized. The promise will not be rejected.


  • resetView(): void
  • Moves the camera/user back to the center of the last visited image's sphere.

    Returns void


  • setLanguage(key: string): void
  • Set language (example: en for English).


    • key: string

      Language key. Supported language keys are:

      • cs: Czech
      • en: English
      • de: German
      • hu: Hungarian
      • ja: Japanese
      • zh: Simplified Chinese
      • zh_tw: Traditional Chinese
      • tr: Turkish

    Returns void


  • setPoiTypesVisibility(visible: boolean, types?: number[]): void
  • Set visibility for all or only given POI types.


    • visible: boolean

      true to show and false to hide POI types. If parameter is not correct boolean type, function has no effect

    • Optional types: number[]

      Array with POI type IDs to set visibility. If not given, all POI types are set

    Returns void

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