The new active site (may be undefined)
The previously active site (may be undefined)
Signal handler that is called after a user logged in or out.
User after the authentication changed. Will be a "guest" user after logging out.
Whether data is accessible or not. Will be true, if a user just logged in. Otherwise data is only accessible if private mode is not enabled.
Signal handler that is called when the current floor is changed.
Object with the list of current floor entities
Signal handler that is called when the list of available floors is changed.
Object with the list of available and the list of current floor entities
Signal handler that is called when the user interface language is changed.
The new user interface language.
Signal handler that is called when a user clicks the POI either in the scene or UI. Return true in order to consume the event and prevent the default on POI click action. Return false to let the default action proceed.
Clicked POI
Identifier of component that emitted the click event
Signal handler that is called when the POI details panel is closed.
Closed POI
Signal handler that is called when a POI is deleted.
Deleted POI
Signal handler that is called when POIs are highlighted in scene.
Highlighted POIs.
Signal handler that is called when a user leaves the POI in scene with mouse.
Left POI
Signal handler that is called when a user enters the POI in scene with mouse.
Entered POI
Signal handler that is called when the POI details panel is opened.
Opened POI
Signal handler that is called when a POI is saved.
Saved POI
True if a new POI is created, false if an existing one is updated
Signal handler that is called when POIs are unhighlighted in the scene.
Unhighlighted POIs.
Signal handler that is called when there is a change in the route.
The data about the route.
Signal handler that is called when the user clicks on a route instruction.
The instruction where there was a mouse click.
Signal handler that is called when the mouse has moved out of a route instruction.
The route instruction that the mouse was moved out of.
Signal handler that is called when the mouse is moved over a route instruction.
The route instruction over which the mouse is hovered.
Dictionary that holds version data about third party libraries
Signal handler that is called when a transition to a new location has completed
Object with information about the transition
Signal handler that is called when a transition to a new location is started
Object with information about the transition
Signal handler for zoom events
Retrieve the NavVis IVION API from the provided base URL
Base URL of NavVis IVION instance, e.g.
Client configuration parameters.
Promise for NavVis IVION API object. The promise resolves once data has been loaded and the view has been moved to the startup location. If private mode is enabled, the promise resolves only after a user has logged in. The promise rejects if there is an error during loading or initialization. The promise also rejects when WebGL is unavailable.
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Signal handler for active site selected events