Interface PoiTypeInterface

A POI type is a categorical object for points of interest (PoiInterface)

interface PoiTypeInterface {
    icon: string;
    id: number;
    name: Dictionary<string>;
    poiTypeGroup: PoiTypeGroupInterface;
    visibilityZoomMax?: number;
    visibilityZoomMin?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


icon: string

Get the POI type's icon URL. Default icon is supplied if none defined.

URL to the icon.

id: number

Entity id number

name: Dictionary<string>

Short summary text. It is an associative array of HTML text, whose keys are ISO 15897 locale tags.

poiTypeGroup: PoiTypeGroupInterface

Categorical group for the POI type

visibilityZoomMax?: number

Maximum zoom level until POI icons of this type is displayed in map view. The unit for this value is pixels-per-meter. When a represented meter surpasses this number of pixels, the POI of this type are not displayed.

visibilityZoomMin?: number

Minimum zoom level until POI icons of this type is displayed in map view. The unit for this value is pixels-per-meter. When a represented meter shrinks under this number of pixels, the POI of this type are not displayed.
