Interface PoiServiceInterface

interface PoiServiceInterface {
    highlightedPois: Set<PoiInterface>;
    onPoiClick: Signal<PoiClickHandler>;
    onPoiClose: Signal<PoiCloseHandler>;
    onPoiDelete: Signal<PoiDeleteHandler>;
    onPoiMouseOut: Signal<PoiMouseOutHandler>;
    onPoiMouseOver: Signal<PoiMouseOverHandler>;
    onPoiOpen: Signal<PoiOpenHandler>;
    onPoiSave: Signal<PoiSaveHandler>;
    onPoisHighlight: Signal<PoiHighlightHandler>;
    onPoisUnhighlight: Signal<PoiUnhighlightHandler>;
    openedPoi: PoiInterface;
    closePoi(): void;
    goToPoi(poi?: PoiInterface): Promise<void>;
    highlightPois(pois: PoiInterface[]): void;
    openPoi(poi: PoiInterface): Promise<boolean>;
    refreshPois(resetCache?: boolean): void;
    unhighlightPois(pois: PoiInterface[]): void;


highlightedPois: Set<PoiInterface>

An array of the POIs that have been highlighted in the scene.

onPoiClick: Signal<PoiClickHandler>

Signal that is emitted when a user clicks the POI either in the scene or UI.

onPoiClose: Signal<PoiCloseHandler>

Signal that is emitted when the POI details panel closed.

onPoiDelete: Signal<PoiDeleteHandler>

Signal that is emitted when a POI is deleted in the current, local session.

onPoiMouseOut: Signal<PoiMouseOutHandler>

Signal that is emitted when a user leaves the POI with mouse in the scene.

onPoiMouseOver: Signal<PoiMouseOverHandler>

Signal that is emitted when a user enters the POI with mouse in the scene.

Signal that is emitted when the POI details panel is opened.

Signal that is emitted when a POI is saved in the current, local session.

onPoisHighlight: Signal<PoiHighlightHandler>

Signal that is emitted when POIs are highlighted.

onPoisUnhighlight: Signal<PoiUnhighlightHandler>

Signal that is emitted when POIs are unhighlighted.

openedPoi: PoiInterface

POI with the currently opened POI details panel.


  • Closes the POI details panel if it is visible. Emits onPoiClose signal.

    Returns void

  • Opens the POI details panel. Closes the current openedPoi. Emits onPoiOpen signal.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    false if the details panel is deactivated in the settings.

  • Re-renders POIs in the scenes.


    • OptionalresetCache: boolean

      Reset requests cache

    Returns void